Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The problem with the Playstation Vita sales

This is more of a message than a regular editorial or rant. As any gamer keeping up with the news knows, the vita is selling pretty mediocre without much sense following it. Yeah some are angry with the price, but how many of the actual vita owners have you heard call it overpriced? The reason you likely don't, is because they know better. It's not flawless, but it's damn great for a handheld. They've bought it, sunk hours into it, costumized it, some even have hacked it, and despite gripes over the memory cards they haven't uttered a peep of serious negative critique.  The Handheld console is simply awesome. The touchscreens work swell, the system is very stable and even more flexible than the PS3 system (able to run some programs alongside your games, and can even a whole tab system running with it), the graphics are up to par to run most next gen games and GG even have the freakin' killzone 3 engine working on it which still hasn't been beat console wise (Don't cry crysis, you still look awesome and of course the PC version puts Killzone to shame), and it's simply a great handheld. Not to mention sony has the amazing generosity to give us crossbuy that'll make games like Sly 4 and All-stars that much better if you are a PS3 and vita owner. However the real problem isn't the coin it takes to buy the PS3, it's the strange stubornness of the consumers due to "the lack of games". Funny, lets take a look at a statement made about the Wii U and again I'll bring crysis to the matter as well.

"there's not enough business drive in it"

This is being said about a console that has had a better launch sale than the vita, not to mention  it's a nintendo console they're rejecting due to sales. You know, the same guys who had the weakest yet highest selling console of last gen by like quadrupedal the amount, and will certainly have the cheapest next gen console if they're only asking $300-$350 for it. Yeah, well what about the vita. All of you people asking for more games are missing the point, the developers will come when the system has the consumer base worth selling to. On top of that, you already have amazing games to get yourself started with. As usual, Ubisoft is swift at pumping out a wide assortment of titles for the hardcore and casual gamers, meanwhile it's freakin' sony. They have more active developers than Microsoft and Nintendo combined, so they're easily putting forth some good titles or upcoming ones (I'm personally drooling in anticipation over Killzone mercenary). I'll go down a list of current titles varying in genre available to you that serious gamers could enjoy: Unit 13, LittleBigPlanet, All-stars, AC liberation, Uncharted golden abyss, Gravity rush, SFxT, Persona 4 Gold, and if you're desperate for an FPS Resistance burning skies isn't so bad (Though I'd seriously suggest just enjoying unit13 instead, or waiting for mercenary). Again, this is leaving out casual and upcoming titles. Also, don't forget you have a good chunk of PS1 titles you can take with you on the go now with this handheld. Oh, and lets not forget that at least twice now Gearbox has stated that they would enjoy porting BORDERLANDS 2 to the vita (they would require help with it from sony). Currently we can't say it's happening, but if there is the slightest chance of getting that game running around on an awesome portable device how could one possibly justify fussing over the vita price and library. Oh, and to add more joy to it I'll remind you that most of these are console quality games going on average at a $40 starting price, a 3rd cheaper than what you'd usually be paying for these games.

Only thing you need to see to justify your vita purchase. :)

I'm not yelling at anyone for not rushing out to buy the vita, but if you're on the fence about it or one of those guys waiting for "moar games" before you buy it, this is a wake up call. Developers aren't going to be pumping out more games, unless you show them that you have the cash and will to buy them. Never the less, even without that concept gamers need to stop being skeptics over the matter and be content with what is there. There are great games in shop waiting for your wallet, if you keep turning a blind eye to the talent put behind Gravity rush, unit 13, and P4G, then no amount of games getting added to the handheld's library will help you with that. Likewise, telling me the vita isn't worth the price is quite an abstract and weird opinion to throw out there, when it so clearly goes beyond what we are used to calling a handheld. It's a freakin' portable PS3, yes it's going to be a bit costly. Anyways, there's something I wanted to put out there, whether it gets read or not. I hope someone takes my advice, or the vita just starts selling more. Show sony that giving us a high tech portable gaming device and supporting it with crossbuy, netflix, and games like gravity rush is an excellent idea.

Too good for fun

Before I even start, I know in some capacity this article is either silly, or ironically getting worked up in semantics as a resp...