Thursday, December 11, 2014

The downgrade is real! The internet really did get dumber

Ok this is just a quick little post in response to a surfacing complaint over the interesting Uncharted 4 footage. Unfortunately its been downgraded. Drake's hair doesn't look as good, his shirt isn't as detailed, some shading may be missing, and the environment less detailed. It still looks really close overall, but its sadly almost  like we're looking at a cut-scene.... because that's totally what we did see. The early teaser from E3 was in-engine, basically a cut-scene taken from a PS4, not gameplay. Its the same thing as watching a cut-scene. The details go up because the game engine can do more without offering control and processing AI and loading distant things. This wasn't a hidden scam either, it was as obvious as daylight in both presentation and the actual disclaimer that this was in-engine. You "downgrade" guys deserve this one...

I don't really know what else to say, but this still felt important enough to post. I just don't get it. Is it trendy to make click bait articles accusing everyone of lying to you now? Seriously the amount of videos going around with this headline is ridiculous. Then the instant conclusion for not jumping on board with this claim is that your some sony fanboy in denial. Really? So is that what this is about, you just want to go attacking people on the internet and bait fanboy wars now? If you want to rail against Naughty Dog, sure go ahead. Here I'll give you this E3 lie: The Last of Us's AI downgrade. Yeah that was horribly scripted stuff that wound up never happening in game, and its quite a bit more important than whether or not they make cut-scene graphics gameplay. Meanwhile this whole issue about whether or not uncharted 4 had a downgrade, its just stupid. I just wanted to bring this up before it blows up into something bigger. Its in-engine, and if you expected them to deliver that as gameplay you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Furthermore I'd make you ask yourself why this was so important to you, and why you're still buying into major E3 hype from non-gameplay trailers. That's all for now.

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