Sunday, May 4, 2014

Wolf hype: 5 Reasons I'm excited for Wolfenstien

As I've been saying, I've been really hyped for this game. I also recall mentioning I may do some articles relating to my excitement to help kill wait time. There was already sort of one on FPS, so here's another one covering the most basics, and there might be a 3rd closer to the release. Here's the top 5 things I'm potentially looking forward to within the game....

5) PlayStation 4 Fuel

More power!

This is a bit of a stupid reason, but then again that's why its not that deep on the list. However its not quite as lame as it sounds. If I were just looking for more games to put on a system, I would have Infamous by now. However Wolfenstien is the sort of shooter that I hope I really love, and brings back an odd sense of nostalgia mixed with a new sense of excitement and energy. Energy I'd like to really aim to get all the trophies to, a game to capture and record the best moments and upload them to Youtube, and another shooter to test the might of the Dual Shock 4 with as well. I can't help but feel some excitement just to play a new but familiar and refreshing corridor shooter on a new console. With the new Sharefactory stuff it'll also be a little more fun to mess with recordings.

4) The Nazi regime and the cheesy story


It sounds weird to hear people just enjoy the sake of killing nazis, as that seems like such a minor thing to put down $60 for. However if you look at it beyond such simple terms there's actually a certain depth to it that started personally exciting me. The parody soundtrack helped bring this to light... its just cool to see a game so covered in a foreign theme. Everything about the game has a german or pseudo german nature to it mixed with cheesy action and mad science. There's just something enjoyable about a really foreign culture theme in a game, and blending German into a familiar FPS formula I love is something I can be excited about. Plus to be honest while Nazi crimes make for some scary tales and haunt some folk's memories, I think the influence of it on mad science makes for some interesting potential. Speaking of which, its not just the nazis on their own but the story they can inspire around it given the setting. The story is full of humor, horror, and a grim dark retro sci-fi style. There's nothing about that which sounds underwhelming, and I'm actually excited to see what they do for the narrative (while hoping it doesn't cut into the game too much with awful scripting). I have good hope that the game will deliver in an entertaining setting and story bits. With that being said I'm also a little worried, as its clearly not aiming to be the Last of Us or anything of that magnitude in narrative, yet it has that sort of market attitude. I get the feeling critics will rip on it for being above the average but for falling short of something incredible. But who cares what they say, I'm excited and I can hope that it delivers my expectations rather than some critic's.

3) The secret mode and similar hidden enjoyment

Secret documents are a secret....
A corridor shooter has collectibles.... surprise? Ok the real surprise is that they actually unlock more than a stupid trophy. It actually unlocks a freakin' mode. Its unannounced what this will actually be, but it might be pretty awesome or really lame. Either way I'm kind of excited to not only get into that, but the surrounding secrets of the game. Just finding those idle conversations, silly portraits, potential parodies and goofy one liners, etc. Also I have a small feeling that the collectibles may be audio logs, or documents that can actually be read which are always fun.

2) The small things

Have fun looking this one up....

Maybe this is just repeating what I just said, but at the same time I don't really care. I've heard that the game will have an FOV slider for consoles, the difficulty scales from QTE events and health regeneration to low defense static health numbers with far more lethal surroundings. Care like that, as well as a talking over the top protagonist, are often done by hardcore developers that put love and care into details they wont actually be hyping up or seen in reviews, leaving the player all more surprised and pleased by their personal gaming experience. I really look forward to seeing all the little details, the extra features, the fine tuned gunplay, and how it all effects or immerses me into the great world. I also hope it has great ragdoll physics, but oh well... we'll have to wait and see. :)

1) A return to strong roots

Military shooters couldn't take down these brutes!
I think this is the most obvious and well deserved reason to be hyped for this game... its old school corridor shooter fun amped up to the next gen level. Better story, stealth options, RPG perk trees, and branching paths all collide with the very roots of the genre that add the depth we've been losing with most shooters. You'll be challenged to look for health replenishing and boosting resources (which includes dog food :p), armor, and ammo for your complete arsenal held within a weapon wheel. Its even got secrets, probably not in a way totally like a 90's shooter but still there as something worthy of your time. Instead of the 90's approach, it looks more like a half-life or halo era theme with its level design and style... which will turn off some people, but honestly its something I prefer personally. Its still old school in core mechanics, and I prefer its mentality to level design when its in the right hands. Either way though I'm glad its just not more of the same that we've been getting for the past 6 years or so. It'll be another breathe of fresh air with a spin on a better older formula, much like Resistance 3 was. I really hope it pays off.

Well that's all for now. I'll probably write another article to kill time before the game releases, but for now that should be do.

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