Thursday, October 30, 2014

5 wishlist games with a difficult reach...

So we all love video games, and love to play them, but with so many its impossible to play them all. Sometimes we look back on incredible looking games that, to our horror, seem really difficult to get to. It could be a number of problems ranging from market conditions, console exclusivity, horrible PC compatibility issues, regional issues, online servers, or maybe even physically incapable of playing the game for some reason (some can't play a game with low FOV for example). Oh yeah, and this does not include developer hell games, so no Half-life 3 or Prey 2 type posts. These games have to exist, are real, and may actually be possible to enjoy in some way.., just not likely. I may in fact do a sequel list to this, as I'm sure there's more than just 5 games. However these 5 are what mostly come to mind right now.

Edit: Crossed #2 off as I got both. yay!

5) Banjo & Kazooie: Nuts & bolts

Yeah I can hear the fans screaming at me now about how I'm terrible for wanting such a thing. Sure, fine, I get it. Banjoe & Kazooie are amazing classics that were among the best examples of 3D platforming, as well as Rare's better work. However, this looks like a fun spin-off. Yes, note that phrase. Its what happens when you take an identity and add in a major twist to change things up, and it may or may not be cannon. Mario has multiple highly successful spin-offs like this for the record. I understand this series had a sad death, and this was the nail in the coffin, but ultimately there are far, far, far worse cases of it happening. Here it was simply... well.... not that amazing. It was a solid game that got good reviews, and kept some people entertained, but it undersold and with a raging rabid purist fanbase it is remembered in bitter hate. Well... personally I see some lovable characters and a stylish world with a fun kart building game with lots of fun physics and some collectibles. I want this game because it looks fun, not because it'll fill some hole that craves classic B&K. Fun physics and experimenting are a lot of fun to me for some reason, and this game thrives with them over top of a great aesthetic. Still it sits on MS's small pile of exclusives, and it doesn't look like that'll change anytime soon. Meanwhile I really don't think I'll get an xbox 360 anytime soon. If I happen to get one, then how hard will it be to get this? I just dunno, and ultimately I'm not sure it'd be worth the hassle. Still it looks a lot more fun than what credit it gets.

4) Divinity: Dragon Commander

Ok, steampunk fantasy world with political conquest RPG story elements and gameplay designed around you commanding an army in RTS format... while directly controlling a jetpack powered dragon. Yes to every single thing on that description! Oh dang, but I don't want to risk that much money on something my PC probably can't run. Ok, now to be fair that can go for countless other games that are exclusive to PC, but... I dunno this one really grabs my attention and feels more worthy of this list. I've heard its RTS balance is a bit poor, but I really want to try it myself before judging that. I'll probably play this for sure when I get a better PC, but that may be a long wait, and until then this game seems quite far out of my reach.

3) Vivisector: Beast Within

Just... Just you look at it! If you've been following my blog you know my preference in shooters by now. I love corridor shooters with old school mechanics, great gunplay in some form, precise AI that keeps you on your feet and performing precision aiming, and industrial sci-fi horror art styles. Vivisector checks all the boxes off, and then tosses in insane cyborg animals as the central theme. Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, 1000x yes! The game is so deep and rich in dumb campy industrial horror themes that the main menu is an operation table in a dark concrete sciency room with a cyber-like interface. The animals monsters are your core enemy that have attacks ranging from charging, laser arms, and a boss rhino tank monster that runs on giant wheels. I just love this whole set-up, and of course it goes nicely with my favorite era of shooter mechanics. Oh, and bonus points for the fact that it also used to be a Duke Nukem FPS. Here, have some more pictures of this wonderful game. Oh and the boxart covers as well. Heck, just say the full game's name out loud; It sounds like it could have been a silly FoxKids TV show I would have watched when I was younger (...or maybe I just watched too much of Beast Wars). Ok to be honest now I'm not saying this is the best ideal shooter ever, but it looks like such a fantastic junkfood shooter to sit down with some off brand energy drink and enjoy as more of a nostalgia loaded blast. Its alpha prime all over again! ....Except... oh.... its not $5 on steam. Its not even on steam, or GOG, or any download site at all. The game never really released outside of Europe either, so no luck with it in goodwill stores. I'd risk a pirate copy if there were even many options of that, and if I weren't afraid of viruses. Actually one youtube video with the promise of a free download even admitted it was laced with a virus, just that it was "Ok if you kill it soon enough". Yeah... no thanks, I'll stick with Alpha Prime until I get lucky and this stuff gets a release. 1C, or whatever the publisher calls themselves, has actually dumped some random mediocre stuff on steam before so I'm keeping my fingers crossed they remember this game at some point. If that doesn't happen, well its a tough thing to get I'm afraid. Well... at least I played a demo of it.... even though it was entirely german and I was going in blind. I suppose this is that moment where I should reflect on whether or not I'm sane for liking this B grade corridor shooter stuff when its so insanely obscure and forgotten.

2) Star Fox's Gamecube series

I guess I'm stuck on the B&K dispute again. Yes I know these are considered weak links in the series, but then again I can't help but also step back and wonder... when has it ever been truly strong? The only one people really seem to adore is StarFox64, which has sort of existed 3 times if you count the fact that its basically a remade version of the SNES game (original, the 64 version, and 3DS remake). The others try something different and to some mixed results. I really think StarFox Assault had the right mentality, its just the series needed some more work and refinement with that routine. Still I don't know much for sure, as the thing is the only game I've played in the whole series is StarFox64 through virtual console. Anyways It was fun, but I really didn't like the idea of an entire game being an on rails deal. It felt like it had so much potential with its silly cast and dialogue (Do a barrel roll!), crazy laser sci-fi, odd drama, and interesting settings to do something a bit more. Oh yeah, and its comic piece in one of the nintendo magazines I read was amazing! At one point and time I was keeping my fingers crossed for a Wii version, and even planned out its potential controls in my head. It seemed like a perfect match... but it never happened, apparently thanks to the crappy command and dying trust in the series. Well now there's a Wii U version, but that's shrouded in mystery. Will it give me the "more" I wanted out of SF64 though? Naturally growing up around shooters and platformers, I did in fact want something more direct and free mixed in. So... yeah Assault sounded perfect. You mix things up with land, air, and tank battles within pieces that change between open environments and linear rail space planes. It all looks like the fast paced blaster filled fun frenzy that the series seems to stand on. Its a great combination, fleshes out the world a bit more, and gives the game more replay value. I've heard in reality it was clunky, and honestly it does look a little stiff in some of the videos I've seen (uh... can he turn normally, or does he have to face every direction like a mannequin with a gun?), but I'm willing to try before I trash it. Now with Adventures I openly accept that it got some fans down. Its not a StarFox game, and honestly doesn't even look like it advertised itself well enough to deserve being called a spin-off, so yeah I guess it deserves some backlash. However it also deserves its cult following to because it looks like a fun adventure game made by the incredible Rare team just before being bought out. It honestly looks pretty fun, and again considering my background with gaming I don't think I'd mind the change as long as I accept that there's no "stars" in that StarFox. However what's holding me back is the fact that I neither have a gamecube, or a memory card. I can't seem to find one anywhere and that's really annoying. Its also what keeps me from playing melee, even though I do actually own it. One day I hope I can grab these games, a memory card, and play it on my wii... but for a long time its been tough trying to find a GC card. Then again... I'll admit I never bothered much with ebay. Alright fine maybe this isn't the most difficult, and I stand a chance. I sure hope so, I want something to keep me busy while I await news on StarFox wii U. I fear it may be taking a flight only path, but either way I'm kind of excited for it.

1) Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon

Best idea ever: "Well I'm not sure about this game. I can certainly live without it, so maybe I'll wait for a large price drop". Great advice for just about any game except the ones you absolutely need to support. Its a fine effect of the physical market. That is of course unless you're aim was at Spyro Dawn of the Dragon to which now you're slamming your head into the desk as you look at the very rare PS3 version on amazon that is more costly than the game was at launch. It was $68 before, but actually just checking on it now its raised to about the price of games in Australia. Except, I'm still in America and so is that game by the looks of its rating system, so there's no arguing about foreign politics. Its just damn crazy expensive. In gamestop its about $48 last time I saw it (which its been a while now), and outside of that its nowhere to be seen. Look if I barely wanted to pay $20 for it, there's just no way I'm putting down $100+ Or even half of that. Its crazy how things even got here to begin with. Apart from a strange cult of fanfic guys, there's almost nobody that finds this game of so much worth. Its a strange forgotten GOW knock-off made slightly kid friendly. However I'm getting ahead of myself here. Why do I want this? Don't I hate the new spyro games? Well, eternal night still haunts me as literally one of the worst games I've ever played, so sorta. However this game was made by a new company, was made with freedom and exploration in mind, and has more of a zelda meets god of war (while somehow not looking like DarkSiders) mentality. From day 1 this game grabbed my curiousity as I heard mixed reviews all over the place about it, with many saying that it is indeed better than past legend efforts. It still has that drama queen vibe to it despite how silly it really is with a voice actor that in now way even closely matches Spyro, and its still pushing heavy God of War vibes on a format that seems to have no business with it. But it still seems interesting, and that sheer curiousity mixed with its impossible price is tearing me apart from time to time as I attempt to check on its status and hope that I may one day have it on PS3. Oh and I also stupidly let it go when I had a $23 offering from bestbuy. That was before I saw the monster high prices, and still thought to myself "maybe it can go lower if I wait". Well screw you cheapskate conscious, look at where that got me now. Well on the bright side there is the PS2 and wii versions that are easier and cheaper to get, but still I really want my attempt at this game to be the best possible. I want the HD colors, and all the features, so... I'm kind of holding out hope that maybe I'll luckily stumble into the PS3 version at the ideal price one day. If not... well, tough luck. Maybe that's fate's way of saving me from another frustrating Eternal night mess.

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