Monday, December 22, 2014

Now playing: Wolfenstein New Order

Yup playing some more wolfenstein. Really I'm playing that and PvZ, and I had just finished Deadly Premonition. I haven't done one of these articles in a while, so even though I'm replaying a game I'll revisit it for this kind of article before christmas comes along and potentially transforms the playlist completely. I'm playing Wolfenstein again because its amazing and I felt like returning to a good corridor shooter. On top of that while I beat it 100% there's still some stuff I can do, like play the bonus modes. Of course the one I really want to start with is 999 mode, where you have a hefty starting health and infinite ammo. I used to play games like this all the time when I was young, cheat codes tossed on and going in full force and carelessly destroying stuff. I still played plenty of games fairly, and even had my own rule of at least attempting a game before putting on the cheats, but  looking back I feel I may have took the natural mechanics for granted. Now I'm desperately looking for a game with the older health, weapon, and enemy systems in place. Games like these are a brilliant gem that come too few now. However I'm enjoying this one now that its here and exists, and yeah I have no issues turning on the cheat mode after putting a lot of time into the normal game.

Still I can really feel that difference. I'm carelessly running through halls, shredding people, destroying guys that should be more epic in a matter of seconds because I have things unlocked at a stupidly low level time in the game, and of course the bonus mode itself takes out the collectibles and perk stuff. So basically its a matter of shredding enemies in familiar level design. Its still fun, and I LOVE the fact that I have infinite throwing knives and grenades, but still there's a difference felt that you can't totally shake. That being said, I almost have to endure it. One of the few complaints I have of such a masterpiece is that its extras aren't implemented the best way. They clearly put work into it all, with it carrying over pick-up progress and the modes existing behind codes in the first place, but still its kind of silly that I have to play an entire new file without stopping to get the cheats out. Why can't I just jump into my favorite level and wreak havoc for a few minutes of mindless escapism after a rough day? Why can't I stop and play the normal game for a normal challenge without ruining my cheat progress? It just makes no sense that they tossed the extras in like this. Ironman mode makes sense, because duh its permadeath uber hardcore mode, but for the rest it just doesn't make sense. This is especially the case for no HUD mode, I mean c'mon that should just be in the damn options, not something worth creating and keeping an entire profile for.

I feel bad for complaining here, but I had to vent that frustration out. The reality is though that this is still a ridiculously well done game, and revisiting it made me proud I sort of tied it as my GOTY. Heck just playing it reminds me of how good the whole year has been for gaming, not just this one entry. I remember enjoying Far Cry 4, the joy of a new Mario Kart game, how attached I was to the (supposedly terrible) story of Watch Dogs, the magic in Dark Souls 2, and how good it felt to wake up the day after I bough Trials Fusion thinking "I wonder what neat things I'll drive threw today!" and there's so much more I have yet to experience. Of course time doesn't exist in a weird bubble, and I also reflected on a couple of other amazing titles I've just played in this year regardless of their origin. Still Wolfenstein remains one of the best. Ripping through it, laughing at the physics, seeing these characters again, dual wielding assault rifles with one turning into an RPG (or both when I really need it), and I even triggered a new cut-scene I never seen before at the Hub world hide-out. I never actually knew Max would try to stop you from getting the Project Whisper folder, as I usually got it when the room was empty. This time though he naturally got up, walked in there, and was laying around when I came in and he actually got in my way and threw a tantrum as I was attempting to get the files. It all triggered a short scene where his "father" had to get him to move, and it was actually a bit fulfilling to suddenly see that. I love these moments where you think you know a game in every possible way and then it comes out with another trick you never saw.

So now I'm at the museum level, where I'll hopefully get around to firing infinite dual wield sniper rifles just because I can. I'm mostly excited though about the levels around the bridge portion. I want to get that done, go to the moon, then get around to storming deathshead's interesting castle while blasting through with all the weapons available. That'll be where the cheat code mode shines best, though of course even 999 overheal health wont hold out there, so I'll still be mindful of taking damage. Will I really make it there before christmas though? Eh, I dunno. I'm not really rushing it. To be honest I'll just play it when I feel like it, and if I make it that's good, if not then it'll be another time. I know I'll get it done eventually, because this is just one of those games I know I'll keep coming back to. Its a high mark of the year, and I'm sure it'll live on in memory, be a high standard shooters are compared to, and I'll return to replay it from time to time. All during that time I'll be looking forward to what Machinegames does next, because they have earned themselves a good deal of trust from just this one brilliant game.

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