Saturday, April 30, 2016

Back on PC

So for those that don't remember I made a partial announcement within a long ago article on how my laptop was all messed up. I lost it to a bad spill, and wrecked it up good, losing the vast majority of data and access to over 120 games (probably just about 35 I loved, but the rest being okay or backlogged bundle fluff). It wasn't like I lost an expensive gaming laptop or anything, but its still a bit pricey. When we're paying $60 per new game, being set back on a $300-500 laptop is a console investment without the serious hardware to back it up. So it was a bit of a mess, and sadly right when I was really into playing Awesomenauts with a steam friend. Well after nearly a year (or what felt like one), I've remedied that solution. It took a bit of a hassle, as the first model had some minor keyboard issues with a not so minor fix where I just had to swap things out. Now things seem to be pretty good, and I think things are going to go well from here. Its still low-spec, though slightly less so than the past laptop, and hopefully that makes up for the reality that I have to use Windows 10. ...and I must say, its a great time to be back.

As soon as I brought steam up, I noticed Turok was 50% off. Awesome, wanted that when I couldn't, so I'm grabbing that now. Screw Undertale, its freakin' Turok! Then as I was enjoying Dark Souls 3 on the PS4, I decide to take a break and a storm decides to show up. No problem, just keep playing on the laptop! Searched up and quickly found a starter pack B20 Brutal Doom mod that came with the emulator, and a level pack that practically serves as the length of another Doom game. Sweet, right as I was hyped on the new Doom. Storm flickers off the power for a minute, but that just meant my screen went dark for a bit, kept ripping demons apart unbothered.

I've been checking out GOG & steam store fronts constantly, looking at all the weird little games I've missed, figuring out what to prioritize next, and recapturing some fun on old demos. Ever hear of the developer Spiderweb? They've been doing these super old-school strategy RPGs for years, or rather one person as some say it. He's been mass producing it through multiple well written series, and quite some time back I took an interest in Avadon. Slapped on the latest game's demo, and played it for a good while, and I've got to say its shockingly good fun for a game with so much text, turn based number crunching, and other weird nerdy niche goodness. I might have to do an article on them, and do some digging to find out why they aren't discussed much with the others that keep that genre alive. For some reason there's a draw to them I don't get with others. Anyways its just another PC exclusive deal that's welcoming me back into the world. Feels great. Oh and no more nasty tablet glitches, connection malfunctions, or clunky flat keyboard. Things will hopefully be smooth-sailing from here.

So ugly, and yet so uniquely fun. A weird corner of PC gaming that I can now reach again
Oh, but Dark Souls 3 is awesome to, so I might be discussing that some in the near future.

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