Monday, May 9, 2016

Doom & the internet may not be the best of friends

Halo? No, idiot.

Sorry, this is actually long overdue, but I think its still a desirable rant. I've made my opinion on Doom known so far, and I guess this is just a personal piece discussing it and perception of it. I loved the multiplayer beta, think the game looks like it could be the perfect FPS for me, and I like even a ton of side stuff like map making and the lore sounds like its going in a great direction. Heck I wont shy away from saying this is the FPS that feels like where FPS should have already been a few years back, instead of... well, a QTE script to mourn a friend's grave. Wolfenstein was a step back in the direction I like, but merely just a really wonderful game in that direction. Doom seems shaping up to be something kind of special and yet on that same path, so I don't know for sure if I should be full on hype train, but I'm really close to it. Unfortunately whenever I look at 2nd opinions, they're not so great. Funny thing is the same could be said for Wolfenstein before its was released (after, everyone gave it the respect it deserved, but it was painful to see the shallow presumptions before that), except this time its a little weirder. With Wolfenstein it was a matter of people just not caring. D-toid tried to constantly cast it as generic, a popular YouTube Critic was given an awful vertical slice and trashed it for how scripted it was, and even the people happy about it just pretended their enthusiasm went as far as killing Nazis. Only a cult following actually anticipated the story, gunplay, and campaign effort. With Doom though its not a lack of anticipation, its absolute juvenile hate mixed in with "the real doom is more perfect than this" snobbery. 

Well originally at least that was the case, and I was going to discuss how awful the internet was for supporting such a thing, but as I complained on a more public outlet and got really positive feedback, I'm a little happier now. Then I check out a youtube video and it all goes back, but there were a few nice things within there. One guy complained about how enemies glow to reflect the melee kill, and I kind of sympathize with that dislike, then someone said "you can customize the interface to fix that". Awesome, and everyone was happy. I love that there's some good comments, help, and of course a lot of things seem to help uncover an even better game than what you'd initially expect. Its sad that's buried under all the crap though. Meanwhile other comments were stuff like... "Oh wow, weakest enemies ever" to a level with the lowest end zombie enemies as played by the developers. Duh, of course its going to look easy. Then there's purists complaining its too slow, even though its faster than practically any other campaign shooter on the market right now. Supposedly there were even a couple complaints saying it was too fast and "cartoony", but I think they accidentally clicked on the wrong video because nobody in their right mind would tell Doom to take it slow. Heck there was even a guy complaining that the perk/mod system gives older levels more replay value, but was bad because to recapture the original experience he'd have to respec the character. THAT WAS AN ACTUAL COMPLAINT! What the hell guys!? Heck the old Doom didn't even have a damn replayable level system in place unless you made it out of save files, so this is a double step-up. What's next, do you hate hotkeys for weapons because its too convenient?

New game+ mode? What an outrage!!!

...and of course lets not forget the constant barrage of worthless complaints regarding things like the color pallet, and box art cover, because apparently Doom was full of rainbows and was an exceptional art gallery for its time and we must preserve that in our modern entry. Look as a guy who just went out of his way to buy the Dark Souls 3 cover that didn't suck with a puke-yellow hue in the background, I can still say with a clear conscience that it wouldn't ruin the game for me if I had to settle for the other. If that's your biggest concern with the game, you need to get a grip on your priorities and realize the game is going to probably be pretty good. You should be happy we're getting another entry after a decade instead of sweating over what picture its console version (that most "pure fans" aren't even going to touch) is coming with. But I'm done addressing those complaints like this.

Lets just go over what Doom is promising us so far. Feel free to keep any of those complaints in mind as you read the following...

  • Classic fast paced FPS action without modern day halo mechanics
  • Melee kills, likely inspired by the famous Brutal Doom mod
  • Background story that doesn't get in the way of the core gameplay
  • Enemy variety that comes in both forms of waves, and the more traditional format.
  • weapon mods, and perks to select different playstyles.
  • Recreation of both mars facility, and hell levels, both of which seem to preserve most iconic enemy types.
  • Map editor on both consoles & PC with promised free updates, and the ability to make your own single player levels.
  • Secrets that involve hidden weapon mods, and even entire areas that replicate original Doom levels.
  • Fast paced multiplayer with a hybrid of arena & halo style competitive play across a variety of modes, some of which fairly unique to Doom.
  • 1080p 60fps minimum standard.
  • Special items have their own button to help the player and pace of the game.
  • Reversible cover art, with a fan voted side (kind of like what Bioshock Infinite did)
Sounds good to me

Now let me ask you, where is your alternative solution? What AAA grade experience across multiple platforms are you going to point out to beat Doom here? Where is this oversaturation of this style and format of FPS in the present day, and what is it doing so well that it makes Doom look awfully slow or bad by comparison? Let me answer that for you: there is Shadow Warrior 2, and then nothing. Every other upcoming game is either a crazy spin related to MOBA multiplayer gameplay, or they're the old trend that was very far from what modern or classic Doom is. Your best bet for fast paced old-school shooter fun (with a campaign & multiplayer) made by a strong team that knows what they're doing and is widely accessible, is left to Doom and Shadow Warrior 2. Otherwise you're digging through a couple indie or free to play related stuff. Nobody else is offering you a fully rounded campaign, multiplayer, and map editor function at this moment in a fashion inspired by the major game that kick-started the whole genre. Nobody else is pushing that style forward with newer additions, and a modern engine. Its just Doom, and Shadow Warrior 2 on the big market, and so far I think they're doing a damn good job.

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