Monday, August 1, 2016

Not enough Doom

Okay so I was originally going to be here, writing an article on things that kind of bring the new Doom game down a bit. I love it as a game, but like anything else, it isn't perfect. Doom is especially a weird case of a game that is so incredible, but also flawed on a couple objective notes like how tonight I had a crash twice when just starting out on a new snapmap plan. ...then in the middle of that, I remembered just how painfully long the loading was. This was all also on the back of... you know what, I'll save it. In the middle of these complaints on a fantastic game, I not only felt a little bad about writing them out, but I also looked around and kept finding excuses to gush all about how awesome this game was and just how much good effort went into this. (Did you know they make fun of the "piss filter" controversy in the Snapmap? "Yellow filter causes drama" is in the description for the filter options, and that's only the beginning of in-jokes there) Then I remembered another article idea I wanted to discuss, and perhaps a few similar topics.

So y'know what, I'm just going to make this a coming soon tease for some upcoming articles I want to talk about. If time allows it, August shall be a month full of Doom and maybe a couple other great games to reflect back on that came out of this year. I've also got something big on R&C slowly coming around, I've had an urge to reflect on the state of indies as well including awesome titles like Armello, Stories, and Gungeon all related to stuff (or just released) of this recent year. But most importantly, lets just celebrate the fact that Doom is a thing that exists and I have some stuff to talk about with it. At least 3 things, which shall be...

  1. Why I think the new Doom is better - Article all around the idea that Doom in fact beats the old classic that nobody really wants to admit can be trumped. It'll pay its respects to the classic of course, and even give you perspective on why I think that way, but its also all about how Doom 4 is probably better.
  2. Fixing Doom - I'm still going over the issues I have with this game, and it does have issues. I love it, its so close to perfect, but the more you're around something you like the more likely you are to have an accident that'll still suck. I think a few might be avoidable, or at least worth venting over.
  3. Miscellaneous - Okay, yeah that's not a title,but I don't even know for certain myself what I'll do for sure. I don't want to plan it all out, let the game and my thoughts speak for themselves. I'm considering things like: What other shooters can learn from Doom. Or... Snapmap ideas, or maybe just a top X list centered around it. I know of some ideas, just not of what I'll truly turn into the last big article (assuming I stop at 3).
No running or hiding from me!

There's really a lot of ideas here. I could even do one on blowing certain features or nitpicks out of proportion, like comparing Summoner with Lost Souls and how to do annoying enemies right vs... well, annoyingly. Doom is an amazing and true AAA packed experience full of a lot of laughs, andrenalin, and just good gaming fun, and there's a lot to talk about with it. Its one of my favorite shooters in a long while, if not possibly ever, and I do want to give it more coverage and positive discussions centered around how great of a game it is. Of course I'm also considering other articles where relevant. I'm really thinking about discussing the No Man's Sky issue of not releasing normal press reviews (which funnily enough Doom did, and was silly for doing). Still for the most part, expect a fresh batch of Doom articles and a R&C one sometime eventually.

Summon Doom's awesomeness, one article at a time...

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Too good for fun

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