Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Bait and switch
Holy shit, really nintendo!? I mean this was so dumb, I just have to make an impulsive article on just how stupid it is. Even with the switch out, getting mostly thumbs up, and Zelda being well loved, there's still something blatantly wrong and stupid about Nintendo's presence, and they just can't catch a break and actually do things right. Well, now the verdict has come out that Nintendo has actually held games back, because they lack confidence in their own console, and then they go out of their way to tell us about it through PR speak. This is why PR has a bad rep by the way. They tell you some bold faced lie directly at you, or try to make up poor excuses for problems they caused, or at the very least release the most cold and robotic tone of information out. There's good PR, but this is the PR people usually bring up with PR speak, and why it's hated. Nintendo is sitting there, telling you directly to your face that the Wii U gamepad was a complete and total distraction that drained the experience.
This is the exact Nintendo that built entire games like StarFox around the controls of the gamepad. This was the company, who said the sales of the Wii U were poor because nobody did the gamepad any justice. This is the same Nintendo that improved past Zelda titles with the gamepad giving you easy inventories TWICE, and people loved it. This is the same Nintendo that designs Wii U gamepads directly into some of their games for the effect. This is the same Nintendo that did that exact thing for this exact Zelda, through the Sheikah Slate, with a direct hint to it being a "familiar" device and hinting at the gamepad's use. Well now this same exact company is telling you that such a concept, such a gamepad design, would have been bad for the game. It would have been bad, that's why they successfully did it twice in the same franchise, and designed this current one with it in mind. But coincidentally, and I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist here so I'm just saying it happens by chance, that this is the only Zelda game on both Switch & U platforms, and it just so happens to also be the one that doesn't properly utilize the Wii U. For the matter, it doesn't even properly utilize the switch considering its framerate. I'm not trying to insinuate anything though, but um.... fuck you Nintendo.
Do I really need to explain this further? I mean this just baffles the mind, and speaks for itself. This is highly disrespectful to the fanbase, just plain mean-spirited to screw your own game for a select audience, and honestly just mentally bankrupt for them to then boldly announce it. Not only that, but it's such a self-defeating position for Nintendo to put themselves in. They can't let the Switch be it's own awesome thing, they have to go and sabotage their very own console in order to help push it, but really this isn't going to push anything. We knew the Switch didn't have a gamepad like the Wii U, but was it's own portable thing. We also know it was supposed to be more powerful, so logically it is superior on most fronts. There would be people who stay behind though, and just choose to buy Zelda for the Wii U, the gamepad inventory clearly planned to be in there at some point was just a silver lining. A silver lining Nintendo, being the arrogant child of the industry they sometimes turn into, decide they can't let anybody have because... I guess they hate you if you don't immediately dash to the switch. You know what, they don't owe us features that just don't exist, but the game was both clearly designed with one in mind, and then they even go out of the way to make this stupid statement. They lack the confidence in the Switch, so they went and broke somebody else's fun to make sure the Switch was the absolute best. It's clearly malicious intent, or corporate stupidity and unintentional self-deprecation, and it hurts us as well in the end. The closest comparable event was when Naughty Dog (another gem for saying very stupid shit, despite making great games) said their own game Last of Us felt broken at 30fps when they were trying to sell the remaster. Then they turn around, and make Uncharted 4 a fixed 30fps because suddenly it's not broken when you're trying to sell people a shiny new game with maxed out graphics at the expense of performance. This tops it though, when Nintendo contradicts itself with designs left in the very game.
Fuck this PR talk that treats their audience like idiots, and fuck you Nintendo for what you did to your own game and console and those who were hoping for the best quality experience at their budget. In case you can't tell, I'm a bit livid and confused at this level of incompetence. I shouldn't be about something this simple, but then again this shouldn't have even happened to begin with. Don't shoot the messenger, I'm fed up with Nintendo's arrogant and childish bullshit. If they can't drop it going into the next generation, I'll just continue to drop support of them. I'm glad I didn't pick up a copy of the switch.
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