Monday, April 10, 2017

Games I want remastered

I've been meaning to make this list for a while, yet never got around to it. We all have games we really want to see get a remaster, and yet not all of them do. Well... maybe not all, there's always those whiny bunch that think they need to approve of every release, and happen to think remasters aren't worthy. If you're one of them, the door is that way. Otherwise, continue on. These are the games I want a remaster for, and for the most part I'm staying away from real old releases that would better be remade. Sorry Spyro, Fur Fighters, Timesplitters, and the good Star Wars Battefront.

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen

Now on PC, you guys already got a remastered definitive edition not too long ago. Congrats. Now... where's the PS4/Xbone/Switch one? It's gathered a cult following that loved this game to bits, and I'd consider myself among them even as someone that doesn't like RPGs. Real combat, loads of monsters, some hardcore backbone to the design, and lots of goofy antics with certain mechanics acting up a little weirder than intended. DD has all the hallmarks of a great game, yet seems to have been forgotten while Capcom goes about reselling so many other things. I'd love to see the best version of this hit console with the best FPS and graphics as possible.

Dark Souls

Nothing else on this list is so obvious of an excuse to print money, as Dark Souls. I won't even mention Demon Souls, though that would be amazing (bundle the two as the classic souls pack), but let's be real: they could put out Dark Souls with a simple porting job, renew online, and then we'd all run out and buy it. It's a classic of the PS3 game, one of the biggest games to come out in japan in a while, and practically a part of gaming culture's very vocabulary. Stop stalling, and just give us this legendary RPG that has spawned a massive franchise. Especially since you claim there will be no more.

Killzone 2/Blood on Helghan edition

Please, don't make me beg... you don't have to, I'm sure I will anyway. The PlayStation 3 had some incredible and underrated shooters. Resistance (especially 3), Killzone 2, and Starhawk. However in the same breath as COD catching on fire, Killzone released to have most people shrug it off after the impact of the initial hype train. Graphics were marveled over, some fans boasted about it being a great campaign, but aside from a cult following of hardcore fanatics that kept the server running up through even the PS4's launch, not many people kept their eyes on it nor valued everything it offered. At first glance, it was just space COD before that was an actual thing. Regenerating health, scripted campaigns, angry soldiers and nuke babble, and a multiplayer with unlocks that was accused of taking a slight turn towards TF2's direction. However if you've paid attention to my blog, you'll know I'm among that hardcore following, and I can give you so many reasons to throw this delusion of a space COD out of the window. What you have with Killzone 2 is taking the COD frame, and aside from a minor mistep or two, it does everything around it to give it the deepest experience possible.

  • The gunplay was weighty, loud, impactful. The very decals that hit into walls left 3D-like holes in them, and soldiers would flinch, helmets would pop off, and there were over 200 death animations and idle dialogue from the enemies to make it all come together before you turned them into a ragdoll corpse.
  • There was a legit story in place, with underlying depth in the war politics, hints at a greater mission at play than what you were told, and allies who actually had personality and character. Though, everyone loves to hate Rico for his character, go figure.
  • There were actual boss fights in this FPS! I know, crazy, right? An epic show-down with Radec on top of his awesome voice acting cemented him as PlayStations Darth Vader, while on the way you witnessed massive chaingun toting brutes, and a supped up death drone you had to deal with.
  • Did I forget to mention how incredible the enemies were to fight? In addition to the gunplay, there were enemy types that actually posed differences, and most enemies were actually intelligent.
  • The graphics are some of the best... or perhaps the absolute best, on the PS3. Except for the weird flamethrower visuals, I don't know what the hell was going on with those. It's dated by today's standards, but that's why we're talking about a remaster here. With all the physics and engine detail, I think this game would hold up well enough with a little polishing.
  • The multiplayer was a splash of old school fragfest, mixed in under the guise of a class based tactical shooter. Add that on top the server browser (An incredible asset that most modern games are too stupid to use), and you had matches full of chaotic strategy, energy, and depth to them, all ran by the community and for the community. Clan wars were detailed like you wouldn't believe it, spectator mode was in place, there were bots, unlocks that actually made sense, team work, a real health system, and a love of grenade spam all at play to make this really stand out. It's really no wonder the big fans stuck with this while everything, including the future killzone, dumbed down.
Now if that's not enough to entice you, what I'm recommending here is a revival of the multiplayer scene alongside a remastered core game. I'd buy it in a heart beat, max price, especially if they worked out some minor kinks like the terrible default bot mode method (bots from the menu lacked proper options, but you could make a work around by filling up a locked private server with them). It'd be especially great if they could let you carry more than one main gun, the biggest issue with an otherwise exception military shooter campaign. With 60fps, updated graphics, revived multiplayer, I think many would return and might even notice and catch on to some of the great underlying qualities I mentioned. However, you can go a step further and make a Blood on Helghan bundle, which would include Killzone 3, and Killzone Mercenary. Yes, the vita game, and before anyone raises an eyebrow note that it ran off the exact same engine here, so they could hypothetically bump everything to match Killzone 2 & 3 and build from there. It'd make an incredible pack, and Killzone merc would especially bring in some attention for those that never bothered with the vita. The only concerns I'd have is they'd ruin either the weapon weight system, because a bunch of babies thought it was wrecked, and they might either choose the wrong multiplayer (Killzone 3... ugh), or wreck what was good about the 2nd one. However they could just as easily fix it's faults up a bit instead. Even if I just got the remastered Killzone 2 campaign, I'd be paying for that and ready to return. This game was one of my favorites ever on the PlayStation 3, and I'd love to see it reshined on the PS4.

Ratchet & Clank: Collection/CiT

Ratchet & Clank is one of my favorite franchises, and with the recent remake, I'm very happy for them to have made a great successful one again. I even enjoyed the movie people loved to hate, and bought it on Blu Ray as soon as the opportunity came up. However, the remake itself had some issues with it, and... well, I still feel partially like R&C needs a more proper show on PS4. While a remaster won't exactly give them any remade functionality built for the PS4, it will catch people up on some of the games they missed, not to mention bring out some of their best adventures yet. However I doubt they'd actually pull the whole series up to date, and put it on one system all over again like they did for PS3. So if I were to narrow it down, and follow my rule of newer games that aren't of remake tier, I suppose I'd get things down to the main Future series: Tools of Destruction, Quest for Booty, Crack in Time, and Nexus. If you want to shave it down once more, well you're in luck, because I'll work with you there to and quickly get to the main point of what I truly want more than anything else in the series: Crack in Time.

It, alongside oddly enough the 3rd PS2 game, is the best of the entire franchise. It's got amazing characters, amazing levels, great graphics, a story that has brought gamers into tears through both laughter and raw emotion, and is essentially the biggest milestone in their journey yet... if the remake didn't throw it all out the window with a reset button. Crack in Time may have also been a hit with me for one odd reason, and perhaps that makes it fit right in with the year we've got Skylar & Plux, and Yooka-laylee; CiT was the most old-school platformer friendly game of the whole series. It didn't stop you with stupid metroidvania stuff every other level, nor did it hold you to any wacky gadgets too hard. Instead it was more about exploring the galaxy, merely gated by Zoni collecting, and you had to enter in these challenges, find secret spots, and snatch them. It was Spyro in space, with two weapon wheels full of crazy guns. On that note, all the good guns we expect are there. Shotgun, blasters, bombs, zerkon, disco dancing, transformer weapons, this game even introduced a gun that works through burps. Oh, and did I mention it had free-roaming space travel, and Dr.Nefarious!? Incredible game. So please, remaster it with better AA (which was lacking and noticeable on explosions), 1080p+, and it'll be an easy port job I'll be happy to pay for, and put the very best and most interesting part of the adventure right in front of all those eyes that just got interested in the series. I'd love to see this remastered on the PS4. I Swear, I've turned this game on just to fly into space, find one of those magical grass island sphere bits, and just wind down a bit listening to the radio. This is one of the best games I've ever played, and I'd love to have it updated just ever so slightly. Of course, packing it in with more good times would just be all the better.

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