Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Leaving no stone unturned....

Do you ever get that feeling that you love a game for every reason, except the actual task of playing it? Its something you can be excited about, something that's may be for you in art direction/setting/tone but in the end you just can't stand to play it... or maybe you just suck at it and can't play it. Both are true for me with the Tomb Raider series. I grew up watching my dad play them, and loved all they contained, but could never get anywhere for myself. Since I was so little, I wanted to dismiss it on my comprehension skills, but instead its the design as I would later return to find out. I couldn't beat the original or its close follow-ups even today. What about the future and remakings of it though? I think I've dropped Tomb Raider's name before when discussing the newest one as being over-rated, but it wasn't like I was saying that with some troll-face on, I was disappointed to feel sour about it. It was a glorious adventure with an awesome earthy gritty feel to its setting and graphics, great cinematic effects, and a fun plot. The game was just ridiculously on rails and everything I did except for selecting my XP rewards felt tied to what the game wanted rather than my abilities. As a gamer that comes for immersion within a fun fiction world, but stays for the depth and mechanics, I found neither in a game that placed me on rails and treated me like some sled dog. As for the originals and even most of those middle ground games, I was simply stuck. I can't handle the way it did platforming, and if I can there's a really weird and unintuitive level puzzle stopping me from going further, and even if I get by all that... the combat just sucked and the game was still super linear. However the reasons to want to play it were also increased, with amazing sound/music design, inspiring environments and enemies, boss fights from brilliant monster, and still brilliant art choices despite ancient hardware that is difficult to look back on in places. Many talk like Uncharted was supposed to be the blockbuster spiritual successor that would probably be up my ally as a shooter fan, but its not... when I'm done with that, it had pieces that feel good, but ulitmately it was a 3rd person shooter with a hollywood type story and set pieces stepping in. Its an absolutely great series, with the 2nd being among my top 10 PS3 games, but It just doesn't have that weirdly captivating charm I found within Tomb Raider.

Thankfully though, I'm stubborn. I don't just give up on something that feels like it grips at a part of my heart and soul. After playing with the demo of it, and catching it on a steam sale, I've got Tomb Raider Legend downloading as I speak and I feel like it might be the breakthrough a relief I need from the series. Not for good, as I'm sure its still going to be very bottled up and linear, but something with more heart than the 2013 release and yet more relaxed gameplay unlike its archaic tank-control originals. I just wish the music department carried over and the game would load up to this. The theme is still incredible though.

Playing through the demo, the platforming was amazing compared to what I'm used to. Its not as simple as either the "free run" climbing or button prompt of current mainstream games, but looks like it and requires a different look than a traditional platformer. The only puzzle in the demo was basically an oversized physics style game, with many saying that's kind of how it works for most puzzles in the reviews. Even the combat feels improved with a fast paced lock on action feel to it all. Its nothing to stand on its own, but its better than the originals and has a weapon system that gives it potential to dominate over what the 2013 reboot had since it likely has more than 4 to it.

I don't expect the end results to blow me away. I think I'm way over expecting the series to come around as a mechanically gripping game. However I am expecting an adventure, and I'm hoping the mechanics are good enough to keep it worth going through. I'm really impressed with what Tomb Raider Legend has shown me so far. Its close counter-parts underworld and adventure aren't quite cutting it much like most of the series, but maybe... just maybe Legend was made out to be that little oddball that finally clicks into place. I'm hoping so. The last time I took a risk like this was Dark Souls, and it paid off to be possibly the greatest game I've ever played. I'm not exactly expecting Tomb Raider to do that, but I hope it will be an enjoyable adventure that leaves a good impact. If not... well I'll try again some day.

Oh but it takes up 9GB according to steam for this linear 6 hour (as I'm told) enhanced PS2 ported adventure. o_0 Seriously, how did they manage the files right? Anniversary, which I think is a longer game modeled after the first, is by 4gb... so I think they had some refining left to work on when this was being made. Regardless if that's also the period in which they designed a game I could enjoy, then heck I'll take it.

Avoid the crocs, and make it through this one!

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