Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Upcoming topics

So like my gaming, it would seem writing has piled up some stuff that needs to be finished. So when I keep getting ideas for reviews, I decided why not combine them both into a list rather than keep a job just waiting. This way I might also keep some focus to finish these projects. However don't be surprise if something else pops up....


Bullet sponge balance: One I started a good while back, but plan on finishing. It covers the need to properly balance health design under action/shooter games, and discusses the value of going small and big in this department. A bit of a weird subject, so it wasn't rushed, but one I want to put out there anyways. Probably about half finished.

Imagination in gaming: One I just started today, provoked by a sad Naughty Dog response. It'll be kind of a hybrid of a rant and happy subject, discussing the merits of creativity in games vs the serious push for "realism" and drama. Just started today, but its one I want to finish within the week.

Top 10 games defining me: This is a weird top 10 list where I try to name off the games that held strong influence over what I love to play. Its kind of a good personal piece, but also pokes fun at some weird paradoxes of my gaming behavior (hint: Zelda is on that list even though I've never beat even half of one). This is just a frame of a list at this point, but one I wish to accomplish at some point.

Further thoughts on reviews: Reviewing reviews. Fun huh? Yeah I wanted to cover some constantly piling thoughts on how reviewers get stuff done, and for once probably avoid talking about my own style of it. I've got a good 1/3rd of it finished.

Sector Sequel: This is actually a new format/series piece. Its where I discuss potential wishes for the sequel of a series in various small points. The game to kick it all off will be a surprise, but a hint is that it'll be one of my favorites.

A good kind of bad: Defending terrible B-like games, starring Escape from dead island! Yeah a bit of a weird one, but I've been really wanting to do this for a while and started it already, so I guess I'll finish it. Its been on hold for a while, so I don't know when, but it'll happen eventually.

Incompetent villainy: I need to totally re-write a lot of this one, but its something I still want to put out once again tackling the subject of DLC and pre-orders, this time in one go. Its actually not just random hatred of bad practices, but actually a more curious approach because I honestly think they're even terrible as a money grabbing scheme. I keep ranting about this on sites, so I might as well just make a big article here and rest myself from worrying about it ever again.

How long is a good game: Another "eventually" thing, but one that needs to be done, discussing my preference on length, quality, quantity, etc.

Is marketing ruining the game?: A topic I've been wanting to get around to about how too much info is spoiling the surprises, but keep forgetting about finishing this one. A lot of it is written around FC4, and I may want to find a better example and re-write it at this point, but maybe not. I dunno, either way I think the message should be carried out in a full article.


None of these are officially coming except for the one particular game mentioned. All of these are just ideas, plans, or hopes to plan. Even if started they may or may not get finished.

Not to worry, I'm still working on stuff.

Far Cry 4: This one has been almost done for the longest time. I need to polish it up, patch in some notes, and discuss the level editor, then its all finished. This one WILL be posted and is the exception noted in the small text for this section. It will stand out a little special thanks to the help of a friend who wants to bring out more polished and customized screenshots for use. Not to mention it'll be the first true open world game I've ever reviewed.

Infamous: Second Son: The more I think about it, the less likely I'll go for this one. However I still might do it, and try to do a much shorter open world game based review. I'd love to also cover the expansion pack if I can in one go.

Ratchet & Clank: Now this I want to be a double review for the movie and game, even if I'll be a terrible critic for movies. Game wise though I know there's just no way I'll be able to turn up giving my thoughts on the re-imagining of one of my favorite franchises. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that its amazing, but my review will tell for sure. However if I don't do a review, trust me you'll still hear my thoughts one way or another. Also one thing I want to do once this game has been out is to make a special "Why I game' montage. By then there should be plenty of PS4 footage from various games and types that I love, capturing the fun of action, adventure, and experience of gaming as I know and love it. So look out for that as well.

Legend of Kay Anniversary: Just read about this today, and looking at the youtube videos it looks like the kind of game I'd love to support. I also thought... heck why not do a review? It looks like the kind of game I'd like to give a reviewing chance. However given the timing I might be busy working with R&C's review, and the montage. Who knows, I might even end up turning down the game, depends on how things go around the time of release. I'm expecting moon hunters around this time as well.

Journey: I've tried this twice now, but can't seem to stick with it. So whenever the PS4 port comes out, that'll be my excuse to push out a solid review on its port and why Journey is one of the best games ever made. Spoiler: Review will be tremendously positive.

Wolfenstein The new order: Really not sure about this one given my extreme biased nature and conflict about giving this an "awesome" or "legendary" rating. However I really would love to one day replay this when its older, and maybe give out a review for a retrospective offering on how wonderful this good 'ol corridor shooter is.

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