Wednesday, April 29, 2015

PlayStation minus?

Now before I start I feel the need for a disclaimer. PlayStation plus has been a service I've found worth investing in. As a PS3, PS vita, and PS4 owner I'm able to get plenty of great stuff with it. I've been enjoying things, as you may have noticed by my Tower of Guns review, and generally just my return to the service should be enough to say I like it. I've gotten 3 of my favorite PC games ported for free there, tried awesome games I didn't think I would like, and I've gotten a few games I wanted but wouldn't put out money for. Oh and the PS3 line-up can surprise me pleasantly sometimes, like the Sherlock Holmes game I wanted to try just showing up suddenly. I can't argue that its a decent service... for me at least. However in other cases there's been a growing tug-of-war happening about the quality of it, specifically around the PS4. The recent line-up hasn't done anything to alter that.

The tug works like this. A line-up of indie games hit both the Vita, and PS4, maybe even cover the PS3, and then people complain about their new system only getting indie games (sometimes with degrading adjectives in for good measure). The crusader of the underdogs then swoop in and proclaim the haters to be pathetic and cannot be reasoned with as they're mere COD kiddies. Yeah the internet sure is subtle and persuasive with their arguments.

Look from my perspective, I've sort of jumped ships. I see where both sides are kind of coming from now, and the thing is I think both can be quite carried away. Back when the PS4 was first out, I laughed at those who were going all dramatic over the line-up. You had freakin' outcast, some interesting little niche indie titles, and later got Dust for free, quite your whining. They can't just give out brand new AAA games for (almost) free! That newest Assassins Creed game isn't going to just walk right into your collection on its own over night. However that was then, this well over a year into the PS4's life cycle and we haven't even seen knack... or driveclub + edition for that matter. Its time to actually consider that position a little bit. On top of that, its hard not to be a little suspecting that they are trying to take advantage of the PS4's online restrictions and spread the service a little thin. Instead of Uncharted 3, Bioshock Infinite, LBP racing, and Tomb Raider, we can't even get a piece of a triple A game promised to us months ago, and they feel no rush to discuss better options.

Looks like someone lost the keys
Now realistically I'm not expecting that sort of PS3 line-up anytime soon on the PS4, but c'mon throw us a bone. The only triple A game to touch the service was a re-released fighter game; A 2D fighter game that honestly is just another small game with just a bigger budget. That's part of the key word by the way, a bigger game. People, at least the rational ones, don't hate indies, we just don't like being flooded with them anymore than the overly defensive indie fanatics do with mainstream "me to!" junk. Not everybodies taste is in the same category, and when the service lacks variety and diversity then its a given that some gamers aren't going to be as happy as others. Some people want bigger games, or something they can sink their teeth into. On that note, Outlast and Dust might be the two biggest games we've got on the PS4 side of the service (yes even with Injustice and maybe Infamous's standalone in mind), and its still easy for someone to say no to a horror or metroidvania game and still be well within reason. They want at least one bigger quality product that they can count on to make them feel awesome for getting this service, and for many... that game hasn't come and they've spent a whole year and then quite a bit more on the service. Consistently over and over again they've felt anticipation fading as they see the list, and see yet another small game on their hyped up fancy PS4 console they put $400 down for.

Heck with the upcoming line-up, even indie fans might feel a bit gypped as they're re-releasing Guacamalee even though another version of that was already on +. Why is there a problem with other gamers again? Look at this point, gamers have been putting down good money for the service. Like any product or service that they fine unsatisfactory, they will feel frustrated with it and discuss their anger. Back when this stuff started, some people played that card way too early and came off as impatient ungrateful haters, but at this point some reasonable comments and people are coming forward and finding things to be lacking. I don't see why that's bad, or why its your business to tell them they're "pathetic" (to quote an actual top comment rallying against them). Some do take it overboard, but then again so are some of you guys that think everybody needs to have the same tastes as you. Here's a reality check: they don't, and your input isn't really doing anything valuable for anybody. If you want to give the indies a pat on the back and show your support and thanks in contrast with the hate, talk about how much you love their game, or how excited you are for the line-up. Don't sit there and just be another hater, the only difference is you're going friendly-fire on other gamers. Instead tell people why a game is good, get them excited to play it, and show your gratitude rather than thinking you can beat it into other people.

However to play Devil's advocate to most of this... I'll still say that to those being all down about the service, it really isn't the end of the world and you're not getting horrible offers either. It would be great if people didn't judge some of these games a week or so ahead of time just because they're small. Some games, like say Tower of Guns, can provide more fun than just any AAA game. Oh and do I need to speak on behalf of the other PS+ stuff? Most of this article just addresses the PS4, and that's for a good reason. Outside of that little bubble the argument falls flat. Freakin' Dishonored was just out there on PS3, and Killzone Mercenary for the Vita. I'm sorry but if that doesn't satisfy you combined with the other deals that have gone on out there, you need to stop being so picky. Between all the indie games, the past values, and those two games, you can't sit there and pretend like PS+ hasn't given you something of value somewhere down the line. Not everybody may have all 3 consoles, but a lot of those that are complaining seem to know a lot about the older values available. They're still coming, its just that its still where its always been at. The very least you can do though is to drop the hateful tones on general indie games. People don't put their work, soul, and hours into these games so that they get bundled into a collection you deem is "indie garbage" just because you didn't see your wishlist game in there.

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Too good for fun

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