Sunday, May 3, 2015

Hyping too close to the sun

So The Old Blood expansion game for wolfenstein is releasing so very soon and I'm absolutely thrilled. I mean the main game was a modern old-school FPS masterpiece and we're getting more content for it? Yes please, you don't even need to show me much to have me believe its absolutely worth investing in. ...or do you? Actually the team are really honest and confident enough in their work that they actually revealed an un-edited live lets play from the start of the game with some commentary over it. The recording of it is around 45 minutes of gameplay footage that you can see right here on their official channel if you're interested. They did something like that back with the original game as well. Of course I heard from one comment that they were ruining game details and spoiling things. That's actually an interesting point, but not one I'm willing to make against Machine Games or Bethesda so much as the normal AAA marketing and consumer response. I've actually been meaning to get around to this topic for a long time, and now its not only a good excuse to tell you how exciting Old Blood is, but to also a long coming topic within modern events.

Personally this is the only trailer I need to be excited for a returning game and team. Its exciting, stylish without coming off as too artificial, and shows off some gameplay footage mixed with well timed action scenes and dialogue. Its the kind of traditional trailer that should excite people, and exactly the kind of thing I wish a game like say Battlefront or Dead Island 2 would use. However we can always complain easily about a game trailer that doesn't show us the damn game, but is it reasonable to say there's a place for too much information? Yeah I think there actually is, and I'm mostly Ubisoft's style being a really good example of what not to do there. Well that's a bit harsh, but I mean from a consumer perspective are you really doing yourself a favor by knowing that much? I'm going to assume those kind of in-depth 10 minute trailers are for super hyped fan guys who are a little too anxious to see more, but I almost think the exact opposite would be the best effect. If I were a deeply skeptical and somewhat cynical guy about the series, maybe hearing all those little things would calm me down, but as a fan that is already locked into play mode I'm simply ruining the experience ahead of time.

Think about it from a Souls franchise perspective, as that's a fanbase that seems to really get what I'm saying here. In almost every press release of a big new trailer for bloodborne, there's always that group that is vocally refusing to watch, or saying they're struggling to hold it back. Why would they stop themselves? Well considering the trailer is showing off boss fights, move sets, spoiling the entire opening surprise the game has, and more, you're just generally being exposed to a world of cryptic mystery, suspense, horror, and danger without any of the context to truly feel that. So when you get around to it in the game... the effect is kind of muffled. You might think to yourself that the publishers and devs know best and would never spoil their hard work, but then you must have missed that Watch Dogs link I posted where they named things down to precise side modes, every core protagonist and antagonist, and showed glimpses of what was otherwise fairly shocking scenes in the context of the game. Yeah they really will go there. Now of course the souls franchise is a bit special, but the lesson here isn't exclusive. Thing is its just fun to get a brand new game and actually appreciate the new-ness of it. Be surprised, be in suspense of what awaits you, and be intrigued by some of the neat features you're able to use while you're actually in the moment and not a moment sooner.

Personally I've just gotten into a habit at this point of trying not to give a damn about trailers once I'm already set on enjoying a game. There are a couple exceptions, especially with FPS games where I really want to analyze every mechanical detail possible (at least an unknown or inconsistent FPS game), but as a general rule if a game looks good and you have the savings for it, just go for it. Don't read too far into expectations, don't let other people spoil you or pre-load you with ideas that naturally only they care about, and don't watch every single trailer piece that can potentially show you 1/3rd of the game and play all of its mechanical cards before you even pick up the controller. Just lay back and enjoy the game when its in your hands, and you will find yourself smiling at the most simple of creative ideas... because its not just a simple creative thing, its something new that you're actually discovering for yourself along with this brand new game you just bought. I'm pretty sure that's one of the best things possible about getting a new game, just that sheer joy of discovery, and when you've lost that from over-exposure weeks ahead of the adventure... well that's a tragic loss.

However I want to also make it clear that I'm not condemning the developers or publishers. Simply put they're just doing their job and trying to use every trick they can to sell you on a game. Sometimes that just means doing the most they can to give you the impression that "we got a lot of fun stuff, really!" even if it means playing all their cards ahead of time. The good thing is really all they're doing is giving power to consumers... its just that its kind of the same idea of giving somebody the power and freedom to be self-destructive. I think these videos are a step in the right direction for covering mechanical depth, informing people, and making sure you know what product you're getting into. Heck in some ways its even better coverage than an actual review which'll usually read like a basic description with opinions "its good/bad" tossed in (they hardly ever explore actual mechanics, and give you an idea of who the game appeals to). Plus if it leads to more open showings of the game like what Wolfenstein and its expansion are doing, then I'm all for it. Honest marketing is a really great thing in a time where AAA gaming has been taking so much well earned fire. Something like this 45 minute Wolfenstein video is a great way for a skeptic or new comer to take a glance, and judge a product for what it truly is and then see if they trust it with their money. However for just about anyone else... skimming this stuff is the only way you should be viewing it, if you view it at all. Even with my skimming of the trailer I heard of a perk that would have put a smile on my face at the very discovery, but now its just something that's going to be expected. Don't fly too close to the sun, you'll get burned. Just wait for the awesomeness to unfold, and see the whole world and all of its offerings, treasures, and surprises for yourself.

Oh yeah and at the time of this writing, unlock timer is on 1 day and 5 minutes. HYPE, HYPE, HYPE!!! ...but hype quietly without the walkthrough trailers.

Soon.... soon. ;)

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