Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Delaying the delay pain.... and ramblings on summer droughts.

Well a sad news day indeed when one of my most anticipated titles all year gets delayed. It wasn't the most popular upcoming game, it wasn't showing any footage yet, but still it felt like a simple wish. Yet here it is, Ratchet & Clank both movie and game are delayed for spring of next year, about one year of what we were originally told. Very sad indeed, but honestly... I can't actually be too sad. We're still getting a movie on one of my favorite franchises ever along with a new game, and its more promising that the game isn't necessarily being rushed to meet with it this year. I've got to be honest, I kind of suspected this might happen the rate at which it was being advertised. However now with a lonely summer coming up, uncharted 4 also delayed, and my biggest game being delayed that must mean 2015 is another dull boring 2014.... right? Yeah screw that nonsense, ungrateful fools that bring up that kind of logic don't know how to have fun. 2014 was a fine year, and so is 2015 so far. If I hear summer gaming drought one more time I might flip.

Here's a newsflash. I have a backlog, you have a backlog, everybody is always talking about backlogs, free stuff if you've got PS+, new DLC, or steam sales, and you can damn well put that controller into your hands and play them instead of whining about how Batman's upcoming game isn't served to you in the morning on a silver tray. If you don't have any of that stuff to play at your finger tips, and you've actually truly worn out what you have (you probably haven't), then go to the digital store or gamestop and take a look around for something cheap. You haven't seen anything close to all the stuff you could have had fun with. Have you ever gone hunting dinosaurs in a semi-realistic arcade simulator? You can for $12 as Carnivores HD, an obscure game on PSN that'll keep you busy. That game you avoided because the internet said it betrayed the series is only $10-20, and its probably not all that bad. Like adventure games? Okami HD on PSN is possibly one of the best 40 hours you'll ever get out of an adventure game, so go check that out because the sales sure say far too many have missed out on it. Oh and how about those remasters you people keep pretending you hate for no good reason, I'm certain you didn't play all those games yet many of those remastered were great games even people outside of the genre could find value in. ...and then there's Bulletstorm, sly cooper 4, Monster hunter, R&C nexus, Lords of the Fallen, and countless other decent titles that have had low sales but good quality and a decent change up from the norm, and you're probably one of the dumies that ignored them before because it wasn't your hyped up release so why not correct that and grab it now. sigh... point is, there's a ton of great games out there that could be played. Stop whining over the small gap in new massive hit games, they'll bombard you soon enough in the later half of the year. Meanwhile the rest of the market didn't fall into a black hole, and in fact many great games out there are actually amazing hidden gems. I'll be discovering what many missed (and will probably miss again) when I pick up Legend of Kay anniversary instead of R&C later this month.

The world isn't over just because a game didn't release on time. Sit down, drink a cup of relaxing tea, and play that weird cheap game that slightly interests you, or that game you missed, or that thing that's been collecting dust unplayed because some friend gave it to you at a busy time, or those dozens of games you'll buy and "play later" from a steam sale. Best of all though, actually take good care of the great games you do have and enjoy them again. Yes, its called replaying, when you're not stupid enough to let gamestop rip you off with trade-in prices and ruin your collection by giving it away. Some amazing moments, battles, strategy, or alternate paths can be made in games when you relive them, and that's part of what every great gamer should be doing in some down time away from big press releases and roaring hype machines from busy game releases.

I suppose I got a little side tracked from the very start of this post, but this has been a long time coming really. Sure its sad that I miss out on both a movie and a game this year, but next year will be even better, and this year for now just got an open space free where I can buy or try something brand new instead. Legend of Kay looks a little more possible, and I'll have something left over to maybe try out something weirder, or maybe even somehow scrap together enough to pick-up Witcher 3 without screwing over my plans for Doom (assuming that doesn't get delayed, which would still be okay) and MGS5. Either way I just don't see the point in sitting and complaining about delays, and acting like some ungrateful goof that doesn't know how to have fun. It really kind of annoys me to hear that "nothing exists" to a so-called gamer just because some marketing company isn't shoving hype into our faces. Heck if anything, quiet time for gaming is actually somewhat of a blessing because of that. I can quietly look through things, hear people chat about unique games, and respect more of the novelty, nostalgia, and oddball stuff that exists out there rather than sift through corporate speak and marketing. Well okay, there's E3, but apart from that its nice and quiet. That's actually what makes the quieter part of the year in gaming somewhat of a beautiful thing really.

So... fine come delay things if you must, but don't whine. Instead go out, have some fun in the sun, and when you come back in sit down with a good old game and start again... or discover what you've missed for the first time.

You can make the summer a very nice time for games

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