Sunday, July 3, 2016

Summer sale scraps: $5 & under deals

Originally I made this list discussing the games I got on the steam summer sale in addition to a budget recommendation list. Instead I wound up finishing the recommendation and just not wanting to talk about the rest because I'd rather play them. With it being the last day of the sale, I guess its just better to release the recommendations. The sale isn't the best, but there still are some really great stuff lying around at a good price. If I could just point my finger at any good game, or even any good discount of a good game, we'd be here all day. So this is a recommended list of games I've played at the expense of less than some meals.

Torchlight 2: Amazing ARPG with a ton of freedom, mods, and its just dang fun. A must have for anybody even remotely interested in loot-centric RPGs, and possibly even more to those who haven't yet had much experience or interest in the genre.

Alpha Prime: I've reviewed this game before, and stand by it as an amazing "junk food" kind of game. Well its $1 on steam right now, but heck its $5 on regular days so honestly you're not losing much in any timing. The AI has aimbot, it doesn't have an original bone in its body, and its got some of the worst voice acting you've probably heard in a good while, but yet its just plain fun. Its fast, intense, and the core mechanics come from the HL2 era which is nice. Just grab it, $1-$5 ain't bad.

Oddworld Stranger's Wrath HD: One of the weirdest FPS (and 3rd person hybrid) games to ever be created, but very well delivered. You're a bounty hunter that uses living creatures fired from a crossbow to catch various dangerous men. A very creative world as with all Oddworld games, and the most free and immersive gameplay that exists within such an odd world, Recommended for those complaining there aren't enough unique FPS games, or for those looking for a bit of 3D platformer charm mixed with a good one.

Space Rangers HD: A War Apart: A unique and awesome little space strategy role-playing game, with text adventure and RTS gameplay off to the side. Whether you're blasting ships in space, trading, or even running for president on an alien planet, this game has a lot to offer and is fairly under-appreciated. Of course I do wish it still had the cheesy intro movie its original release (Space Rangers 2) had. Overall a pretty interesting little obscure title.

Hotline Miami Bundle: If you want to shave off the price a bit, just get the original as its got more replay value in game design. 2nd one is still fun and recommended though. The franchise is a top down shooter that actually works more like a puzzle game in how you must figure out the best way to go about a one-hit battle against a gang of crimi- wait, why am I explaining this one? Unless you've been living under a rock, you know it. Now know its super cheap (2 games for less than half the price of one off the sale), and I recommend it.

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