Monday, March 5, 2012


I wanted to kindly welcome you all to my blog. Feel free to read the "about me" thingie (whenever I get it up, an error messed me up last time I tried). created this blog for a few reasons:
A) Because They're quite entertaining
B) The world's most awesome forum has had to close due to the lack of activity. Most of you reading this are probably from that forum, and I will inform you that if you ever actually took an interest in the weird editorials, reviews, lists, rants, etc that I did then you can find them here since I can't post those on steam. If your not interested, then you can skip those posts and I'll just enjoy talking to myself. :P I just enjoy games and journalism, so I get a lot of entertainment out of writing those kinds of things.
C) I might also post stories here, if I ever get in that mood again.
D) Just for those weird moments that I feel like I need a blog post to express something random.

So I'll be posting something else shortly I'm sure, stay tuned. I had an idea for a good article, but It slipped my mind... damn. I'll try to keep this blog in better shape than my dragon's lair blog. I think I'll have more to do with this one.

Oh well, here's a random pic for the sake of it! Enjoy the world's cutest dingo pic, although be careful as it doesn't stay too cute for long.

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Too good for fun

Before I even start, I know in some capacity this article is either silly, or ironically getting worked up in semantics as a resp...