Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lost Treasure: Three awesome games you've never heard of!

There always seems to be those odd games that are ridiculously fun, yet never get any commercial time or real respect outside of your household. Sometimes it's because the game bombed, and your just lucky enough to find the fun in it rather than hating it because a reviewer told you so. Most of the time, it's due to just rotten luck and lack of marketing or lack of people who talk about it. Sadly some amazing games are left out of the spotlight. Here's a list of some great games that you may have never have heard of, or have only gotten a hint of. Sorry for the linked pics, blogger has a bad picture system that forces any pictures to the top of the article.

TimeSplitters (series, PS2/Xbox):

Okay, so if you know me maybe you have heard of this one. If I hadn't played Killzone, or TF2, you would never get me to shut up about how awesome Timesplitters was. It's an FPS with a good cult following because they have experienced the possibilities of a time traveling game with a map editor, a grand arcade mode, humor, and enough options to never play the same thing twice. Quickly, name how many games have a mafia, zombies, aliens, secret agents, cyborgs, and gingerbread men with miniguns all on the same storyline. Even harder to imagine: All of those in the same multiplayer match. Welcome to timesplitters2 my friend. Then go enjoy 3. The series is something you must experience, especially for its bot multiplayer. Sadly it never got too popular, mostly because it was in the halo era and that's what was big. Timesplitters was more of a style like Quake + 007 (the N64 one), and on top of that just had nothing to put it in front of people's faces. You either found it on the store and took a chance, or saw a friend play it and enjoyed some co-op with them. Apart from that it was highly unlikely that you would ever play it or know about it.

Fur Fighters: viggo's revenge (dreamcast, PC, PS2).

Now this one is a bit weird. Some would say it failed with controls, and others would say it was just because it just never got popular. I wouldn't know because I can't recall anything about the dreamcast time when it originally released.Whatever it was, people missed out. Yes I dealt with the PS2 remake with awful controls, but it's worth it for the game. The game was a strange 3rd person shooter, with the theme being stuffed toy animals who lived in their own world and wanted to kill each other. My mind is a bit foggy on story, but the goal was that the family of the all 6 of the main characters were taken hostage, or mutated by an evil cat criminal named Viggo. You take them back with plenty of traditional, and new elements alike going from different worlds and collecting the kidnapped kids and fighting bosses who were mutated relatives of a certain character. Tweak the dragon and the boss fight with his mother (Giant cyborg dragon burning new york city) was obviously the coolest one in my opinion. The game is enjoyable for its humor, mechanics, and just plain fun for the sake of entertainment. The art style was also pretty creative, especially because cell shading was still new for the time.

Resistance 3 (PS3):

Okay, so I'm cheating a bit here. This had marketing, two big companies, and the online is still active with people. So what's the problem? It's ignored. Big time for what it is. The hype apart from IGN was actually a bit low for an exclusive that sony owned and Insomniac developed. The game ended up trying new things, and taking risks to be different and interesting. Insomniac apologized for the confused and super generic Resistance 2, and proved their apology with this game. What happens after release? Nothing. No big story discussions, no serious responses to the many good reviews, and the sales were pretty low to. It's one of the best post-apocalyptic games out there (and there are way too many of those right now), and it's like nothing happened after the release. WTF!? I can tell you first hand that it's fascinating, different, has a great story with no cliffhangers, and has IMO the best multiplayer of the series despite losing the fun co-op R2 had. Nobody I know has played this, some ask me if the 3rd even came out, and you'd have to look for it on the internet to hear anything about it anymore. This game didn't deserve to disappear, and this is coming from someone who has been for the most part disappointed by the series. DLC for mass effect, and COD get more attention than this entire game. What is wrong with the world?

Might do more of games that you've never heard of, but for now I'll just leave 3 here.

1 comment:

  1. That's the problem with Rayman Origins really, stupid developers released it in the worst time frame ever, so as a result its been left out the spotlight somewhat, at least its got rave reviews anyway. Should have just stuck to the planned PSN/XBLA release.


Too good for fun

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