Friday, August 1, 2014

Considering a blog rebrand...

A little out of place?
More and more as I get on the internet, check out the news, and then turn here to gush or rant on whatever is on my mind I start to ask myself: Why Red Fox's blog? Also while I'm at it, why is it like that... Red_Fox. I thought I designed it loosely off what I had as my steam name and favorite animal, but if it was more after the steam name why is there a spacing? I look back on my original post and somehow I totally lost it. I knew I would be ranting and cheering on about games, but not constantly, one after another, for pages upon pages in a row of only game discussions. I think the only real personal non-game related posts are 1) a post on 10 things to be grateful for... kind of an odd sappy but kind spirited random thing I felt like doing back when I thought I had any sort of audience that would respond back. 2) An article on libertarianism... which is nice, but on its own it just feels out of place and weird. This ain't a political blog, and I never talk about anything personal about me and politics again, so its just a dumb oddball thing that might be more fitting to get deleted. Nothing ever came out of a personal blog except for my own thoughts and personal take on the gaming industry, and I really went hard in bottling up the topics in that direction without meaning to. Its become so long like that there simply isn't any point or rhythm to going back to what I was going to do. Heck you could even say the blog was made to fix a bad thing (closing a good forum) that fixed itself before it ever got very far at all (a new forum was made pretty soon). I used to write little editorial rants and stories for the forum, but now that's back and a personal space to do super long walls of text is nearly isolated on its own once more... which is nice, I no longer do editorials on the forums and it feels more refreshing to have my own little box to yell in.

Still, what's it got to do with the random name pulled out of nowhere as "Red Fox". Originally the answer was that its a good icon for me to set up a personal blog with where I ramble about whatever suits me. In reality this is a blog about games, and my take on them. I don't even play Star Fox for crying out loud, I have no attachments to games and foxes together, so the name just doesn't have any point to it. In recent times I've loosely tried remaining relevant with the two. Puns to restate that "hey, this is the blog with a very slight fox tie to it" with things like the Easter article header, the Watch Dogs stamp of approval, and the FOX engine joke, but honestly its just a strange way to try and justify an awkward move I made. One that can be fixed if I just go into settings and type something in the right box, and then its done and processed into a brand new brand name. A bit too easy honestly, I feel stupid just talking this long about it instead of just flipping the switch and calling it a new home for game opinions.

As I go on in life though, I do find things I want to talk about apart from just games in a blog space. Maybe its time to create a new blog and swap names. Red Fox goes somewhere else, somewhere where that actually works as a personal icon and I talk about other weird little thoughts that crawl around in my brain. Tea, politics, life, holidays, why foxes are awesome, etc. Meanwhile this gets some cheesy sounding game name or just a straight stolen term from a well known or enjoyed games. Gliding gem gamer, Game-over Gamer, Dunwall daily, Navi's nags, Headshot headlines, or heck somewhat of a middle ground between this and the present: FoxHound surveillance (I really need to give MGS more credit anyways). Something roughly like that. Nothing is official just yet, but honestly I think its time to start over with this name and give this very blog right here a more honest or at least moderately matching name. Either that or it looks like I need to start looking for more games with foxes.

Looks like its back to Skyrim!

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